| | | Angel
An immortal spiritual being who acts as an intermediary between God and humanity.
The word 'angel' is derived from the Greek angelos and the Roman angelus for 'messenger', and entered the English language when it denoted a super natural being of kindly qualities. In the Bible it translates Hebrew and Greek words meaning 'messenger', and it first appears in the Old Testament in the phrase 'angel of the Lord', the title given to the divine messenger who told Hagar that she would give birth to Ishmael (Genesis, chapter 16). It is significant that Hagar identifies the angel with the Lord himself. Evidently the writer believed that when God wishes to make his will known to man, he can assume a visible human form and can speak.
Contrary to popular belief, angels did not originate in Judaism or Christianity, but date as far back as the times of the Babylonians. They can be traced to the iconography or allegorical paintings of the Mesopotamian gods, many of which had wings.
According to canonical sources, all the angels were created by God. For this reason angels are immortal but they are not eternal, because eternity is an attribute that belongs only to God. At the end of the universe, after all the suns, stars, and galaxies are extinguished, the angels will also fade away. But as long as the universe exists, their presence in it is permanently assured. Furthermore, because angels were all created at the same time, their numbers are always the same. God does not create angels continuously. The quantity of angels that exists today is the same that existed at the moment of Creation.
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In Judeo-Christian tradition, the power of angels is immense. The Talmud mentions that Michael can move mountains, and the Book of Revelations tells us that seven angels of God's anger destroyed a third of the stars. In the 17th century, German astronomer Johannes Kepler published a work titled Cosmographic Mystery, in which he argued that planetary angels moved and positioned the planets and stars into their orbits. These planetary angels were later identified as gravitational forces, suggesting that angels may very well be cosmic laws overseen by a Supreme Intelligence.
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Suggested Software:
Courses on Angelic and Alternative Beliefs:
Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible CD-ROM.
Full-Color Angels
CD-ROM: Heavenly Images, Angels and Cherubs.
Totally New Complete Edgar Cayce Readings CD-ROM.
The Ultimate Bible
Reference Library 2 CD-ROM Set.
CD-ROM: The History of Earth.
Treasures of the Bible
3 CD-ROM Set.

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related software.

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top-selling software titles.
Christmas of the

Contacting Your
Guardian Angel.

Divine Guidance:
How to Have Conversations With God and Your Guardian Angels.

Invocation of the

What the Bible
Says about Angels.

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HERE for more related

Angels: Messengers of the Gods.

Angels, the
Mysterious Messengers.

Angels Among Us DVD.

Angels in America DVD.

Angel Story.

Angels With Us.

Biblical Angles.

Encounters With

Illuminating Angels & Demons DVD.

In Search of

Secrets of Angels, Demons & Masons

Talking to

The Greatest Miracles on Earth DVD.

You Can Speak
With Angels.

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more related

-- Click
HERE for the best prices on
top-selling DVD titles. |
Angels 101 .

Angel Healing .


Bible Study One - The Book of Genesis .

Spiritual Counseling 101.

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new age and alternative beliefs courses.
Suggested Art prints and Posters:
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art prints and posters.
Suggested Books:
100 Ways to
Attract Angels.

104 Questions
Children Ask About Heaven & Angels.

Absolutely Angels: Poems for Children and Other Believers.

A Dictionary of
Angels: Including the Fallen Angels.

All About Angels.

All About the

All the Angels in
the Bible.

An Alphabet of

An Angel a Day:
Stories of Angelic Encounters.

Angel Answers: A
Joyful Guide to Creating Heaven on Earth.

Angel Messages
Book & Card Set: Practical & Inspired Support for Day to Day Living (book &

Angel Oracle:
Working With the Angels for Guidance, Inspiration and Love (book & deck).

Angels: Elect
& Evil.

Angels and
Demons: What Do We Really Know About Them?

A to Z.

Archangels and All the Company of Heaven.

Angels Blessings:
Cards of Sacred Guidance and Inspiration (book and cards).

An Inquiry into
the Existence of Guardian Angels.

Divine Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries.

Do Angels Really
Exist?: Separating Fact from Fantasy.

Do You Have a
Guardian Angel?: And Other Questions Answered About Angels.

Encyclopedia of
Angels - Hardcover.

Encyclopedia of
Angels - Paperback.

Every Good and
Evil Angel in the Bible.

Hot Chocolate for
the Mystical Soul: 101 True Stories of Angels, Miracles, and Healings.

I Believe in

Inspired by
Angels: Letters from the Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, & Uriel.

In the Presence
of Angels.

The ABC's of

The Angels Talk:
The Message Board that Connects You to Your Angels (fold-out board and q-book).

The Encyclopedia
of Angels.

The Facts on

What the Bible
Says About Angels.

What You Should
Know About Angels.

When Angels

When Angels
Intervene to Save the Children.

Where Angels Walk: True Stories of Heavenly Visitors.

Where Miracles
Happen: True Stories of Heavenly Encounters.

Where Wonders
Prevail: True Accounts That Bear Witness to the Existence of Heaven.

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