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Alternatively Amit, Aman, Amamet, Ammut, Amunet, and Ammemet. Also known as Eater of the Dead, the Devourer, Devourer of Amenti, Swallower of the Dead, or the Dweller in Amenta — the place where the sun sets. The name Amenta was also applied by the Egyptians to their cemeteries located in the western bank of the Nile.

A terrifying female Egyptian demon with the appearance of a fierce chimaera, Ammit — literally 'she who swallows the dead' — has the head of a crocodile, the torso of a leopard or lion, and the hindquarters of a hippopotamus.


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The 'Weighing of the Heart', detail from a page of the 'Book of the Dead'  —  Buy this art print at AllPosters

According to Egyptian lore, Ammit waited in the Hall of the Two Truths for the daily flow of souls to come before Osiris for judgment. Anubis brought these souls, in his role as psychopomp ('conductor of souls'). In front of Osiris, the person who died would have a chance to defend his deeds in his previous existence. Thoth was the one prosecuting and recording the results. The heart of the newly dead was then weighed on the Great Balance of Justice against a feather from the headband of Maat — this was the Judging of the Heart, or the Weighing of the Heart.


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The desirable outcome was that the heart and the feather should weigh exactly the same, and the beam of the Balance of Justice should be horizontal. If the heart proved to be "light in the scales," the soul was unfit to enter the House of Osiris. Anubis would then feed the heart to Ammit, who eagerly awaits for a bad verdict, and the person's soul would vanish into oblivion, with no hope of further existence.


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(1) Turner, Patricia and Coulter, Charles R., Dictionary of Ancient Deities, Oxford University Press; (2) Faulkner, Raymond (Translator), The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day, Chronicle Books.

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Suggested Software:
Courses on Alternative Beliefs:

-- Ancient Civilizations  4 CD-ROM Set.

Ancient Medieval History CD-ROM.

Ancient Times CD-Rom.

Breaking the Rosetta Stone Code CD-ROM.

Discovering Egypt 4 CD-ROM Set.

-- Dream Interpreter CD-ROM: Spiritual, Psychological and Traditional Interpretations of Dreams.

Egypt: Voyage to the Land of the Pharaohs DVD-ROM.

Egyptian Hieroglyphs Made Easy CD-ROM.

Elementary World History - Explore Egypt CD-ROM.

Mysterious Egypt 3 CD-ROM Set.

Secrets of the Pyramids CD-ROM.

The Myth and Legend of Osiris CD-ROM.

Tutankhamun (King Tut) Interactive Egypt Educational Entertainment CD-ROM.

Ultimate Divination 4 CD-ROM Set: Astrology, Tarot, Palmistry, I Ching.

Wonders of the Ancient World CD-ROM.

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Suggested Videos:

-- 5000 Years of Magnificent Wonders: Ancient Egypt DVD.

-- Ancient Egyptian Foot Soldiers.

-- Egypt: A Gift to Civilization.

-- Egypt - Beyond The Pyramids.

-- Egypt - Gift Of The Nile.

-- Egypt - Lost Civilizations Series.

-- Egypt-Quest for Eternity.

-- Egypt - Secrets of the Pharaohs.

Egypt's Golden Empire DVD.

-- Egypt's Great Queen.

-- Egyptian Journey.

-- Farouk - Last of the Pharaohs.

-- Giant Nile, The - Complete Set.

-- Great Cities of the Ancient World: The Pyramids and the Cities of the Pharaohs.

-- Guardian of the Ages: The Great Sphinx.

-- IMAX: Mysteries of Egypt.

-- In Search of History - Sphinx of Egypt.

-- Karnak - Temple of the Gods.

-- Mummies and the Wonders of Ancient Egypt DVD.

-- Mummy's Tomb.

Mysteries of Egypt DVD.

Mysteries of Egypt 3 DVD Boxed Set: Ramesses II, The Pharaohs and Ancient Egypt.

-- Mysteries of the Pyramids.

-- Mystic Lands - Peru: Kingdom in the Cloud / Egypt: Cycle of Life / Greece: Isle of Revelation.

-- National Geographic - Into the Great Pyramid + Egypt: Quest for Eternity 2-pack DVD.

National Geographic: The Quest for Lost Tombs DVD.

-- Nile - River of the Gods.

-- Nova - Pyramid.

-- Pyramid - David Macaulay's World of Ancient Engineering.

-- Pyramids of Giza.

-- Ramses the Great.

-- Secret Egypt.

-- Secret Life of Ramses II.

-- Secrets of Lost Empires - Pyramid.

-- Sphinx.

-- Sphinx of Egypt.

-- Splendor of Ancient Egypt.

-- The Great Egyptians.

-- The Great Egyptians II.

-- The Great Pharaohs of Egypt.

-- The Mystery of the Sphinx.

-- The Wild River.

-- This Old Pyramid.

-- Tomb of the Gods - Great Pyramid.

-- Unlocking Mysteries of Embalming.

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-- Ancient Civilizations (World History Part 1).

Intermediate and Advanced Spiritual Counseling.

Dream Interpreting.

-- Auras: Viewing, Identifying, and Understanding.

Paranormal Investigations: Complete Edition.

Understanding Parapsychology and the Paranormal.

-- Introduction to Paganism.

-- Magick Basics.

-- Wicca 101.

Wicca Witchcraft & Magick: The Essentials.

-- Click HERE for more new age and alternative beliefs courses.

Suggested Art prints and Posters:

Temple of Abou Simbel
Temple of Abou Simbel Art Print
Roberts, David
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  The Great Pyramids, El Giza, Egypt
The Great Pyramids, El Giza, Egypt Art Print
Koubou, Shashin
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Temple of Philae...
Richard Nowitz
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Central Avenue of the Great Hall of Columns, Karnak, from Egypt and Nubia, Vol.1
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David Roberts
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    Grand Portico of the Temple of Philae, Nubia, from "Egypt and Nubia," Vol.1
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The Pyramid of Cheops, the First and Largest of the Three Pyramids of Giza
The Pyramid of...
George F. Mobley
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    Temple of Luxor, Luxor, Egypt
Temple of Luxor,...
Jacob Halaska
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Temple at Luxor, Egypt
Temple at Luxor, Egypt Art Print
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Sphinx, Pyramids, Egypt Art Print
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Ramses Temple and the Nile Shoreline at Abu Simbel
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David Boyer
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    Farming by the Nile, Pyramids, Egypt
Farming by the Nile, Pyramids, Egypt Art Print
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Tutenkhamun, 18th Dynasty
Tutenkhamun, 18th Dynasty Poster
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    Pyramids and Sphinx, Egypt
Pyramids and Sphinx, Egypt Art Print
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The Pyramids at Giza, Near Cairo
The Pyramids at Giza, Near Cairo Giclee Print
Roberts, David
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    Colorful Sunset Silhouetting Men and Camels at the Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
Colorful Sunset...
Bill Bachmann
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Suggested Books:

-- Amazing Facts About Ancient Egypt (Beginners Guide).

-- Amulets of Ancient Egypt.

-- Ancient Egyptian Jewelry.

-- Ancient Egypt (Sacred Symbols).

Ancient Egyptian Magic: Spells, Incantations, Potions, Stories, and Rituals.

Beyond Death: The Chinchorro Mummies of Ancient Chile.

-- Beyond the Pyramids: Egyptian Regional Art from the Museo Egizio, Turin.

Bog Bodies: Mummies and Curious Corpses (True Stories).

Cat Mummies.

-- Chronicle of the Pharaohs: The Reign-By-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt With 350 Illustrations, 130 in Color.

Corpses, Coffins and Crypts : A History of Burial.

-- Discovering the Lost Pyramid.

Egypt and the Egyptians.

-- Egypt in the Age of the Pyramids.

Egyptian Mummies.

Egyptian Mummies: Unraveling the Secrets of an Ancient Art.

Egyptian Mysteries: New Light on Ancient Knowledge (Art and Imagination).

-- Egyptian Tombs (New First Books).

Faces of Pharaohs: Royal Mummies and Coffins from Ancient Egypt.

Gods and Pharoahs from Egyptian Mythology (The World Mythology Series).

-- Gods of the Dawn: The Message of the Pyramids and the True Stargate Mystery.

-- In the Shadow of the Pyramids; Egypt During the Old Kingdom.

-- I Wonder Why Pyramids Were Built : And Other Questions About Ancient Egypt (I Wonder Why).

Lift the Lid on Mummies: Unravel the Mysteries of Egyptian Tombs and Make Your Own Mummy!

Magnificent Mummies (Blue Bananas Series).

Mummies (Weird and Wacky Science).

Mummies and Their Mysteries (Photo Book).

Mummies & Pyramids.

Mummies: A Voyage Through Eternity (Discoveries Eries).

Mummies, Disease and Ancient Cultures.

Mummies: Life After Death in Ancient Egypt.

Mummies Made in Egypt.

Mummies, Myth and Magic in Ancient Egypt.

Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure: Secrets of Ancient Egypt.

Mummy in Ancient Egypt: Equipping the Dead for Eternity.

-- Mysteries of the Pyramids (Mysteries Of).

Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt.

Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest.

-- Pharaohs and Pyramids (Time Traveler Series).

-- Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt (Landmark Books).

-- Pyramid.

-- Pyramid (Eyewitness Books).

-- Pyramid Power : The Secret Energy of the Ancients Revealed.

-- Pyramid Prophecies.

-- Pyramids (A First Discovery Book).

-- Pyramids (Discovery Box).

-- Pyramids (Exploring the Ancient World).

-- Pyramids (Young Scientist Concepts & Projects).

-- Pyramids: Tombs for Eternity.

-- Pyramids and Temples (Superstructures Series).

-- Pyramids of Ancient Egypt (Living History).

-- Pyramids to Pueblos: 15 Pop-Up Models for Students to Make.

Reading Egyptian Art: A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient Egyptian Painting and Sculpture.

Secrets Of The Sphinx.

-- Symbol & Magic in Egyptian Art.

The Best Book of Mummies.

The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries.

-- The Complete Valley of the Kings: Tombs and Treasures of Egypt's Greatest Pharaohs.

The Egyptians.

The Encyclopedia of Mummies.

-- The Eyes of the Sphinx: The Newest Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact in Ancient Egypt.

The Eye of Horus: An Oracle of Ancient Egypt.

-- The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt.

The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Egypt: An Illustrated Dictionary.

-- The Great Pyramid (Great Buildings).

-- The Great Pyramid (Wonders of the World).

The Mummies of Urumchi.

The Mummy: A Handbook of Egyptian Funerary Archaeology.

The Opening of the Way: Guide to the Wisdom Teaching of Ancient Egypt.

-- The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids.

-- The Pharaohs Master-Builders.

-- The Pyramids.

-- The Pyramids (Ancient Cultures Series).

-- The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt (Carnegie Series on Egypt).

-- The Pyramids of Egypt.

-- The Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt.

Who Built the Pyramids?

Wrapped for Eternity: The Story of the Egyptian Mummy.

-- Click HERE for more Egypt and pyramids related books.

-- Click HERE for more mummies related books.

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Further info:

-- Ammit.
-- Egyptian Deities.
-- Judging of the Heart.
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